NES 1987
Well, well... the infamous Castlevania... The one that started it all. Based on the arcade game, It offered excellent action in a Transylvania-like setting, possibly inspired by Capcom's Ghosts and Goblins (1985). It stars a vampire hunter named Simon Belmont who lugs around this snazzy whip that turns zombies into fire.
"Well that's all fine 'n good," you say... but there's more... In this amazing game, you actually get to, you guessed it!!! Whup Dracula's sorry ass!!- now a trademark of the Castlevania series. Seriously, though, the graphics, while blocky, are excellent for an NES game from this period and the action is nice. The music is OK, but I've heard better from Konami. Recommended.

Simon Belmont enters the fray... Looks a little reluctant, wouldn't you say?

The first level boss... A real ornery lookin' bat. (Where the hell is Belmont in this picture? I took it... and I don't even know!!!)
(Sorry... I forgot to zip up the ROM... Stupid me!)